Selasa, 31 Maret 2015


Membuat Kalimat Mengandung Tense, subject Verb, Complement, Modifier dan Verb Phrase

Nama :Muhammad fahrudin
Kelas : 4EA02
NPM : 184211813
1.      Kalimat yang mengandung tense :
1.   Simple present tense
We agree with the speaker’s opinion.
2.   Present continuous tense
I’m driving a car to Yogyakarta now.
3.   Present perfect tense
            I have lived in Depok for 3 monts.
4.   Present perfect continuous tense
            The toddlers have been playing a ball for an hour.
5.   Simple past tense
            The party started at 10.00 a.m.
2.      Kalimat yang mengandung subject, verb, complement dan modifier :
Sari and Anto ate a burger last night
3.      Kalimat yang mengandung verb phrase :
He has been sitting in front of his house since early in the morning